Our Projects
Operational Community Projects, funded by our donors and managed by Imbali.
Visual Literacy Project (VLP)
The Imbali Visual Literacy Project (VLP), with the generous outreach program from Alexis Hanslo and The Children's Art Centre has 100 children on a once-a-month art workshop program...
Frank’s Heaven Kylemore Crèche
Imbali built and equipped a crèche for 90 children, now run under auspices of the national Stellenbosch Child Welfare organisation.
Mirja Sachs Infant Day Care Centre
Imbali built and equipped multi-purpose centre for care of 65 infants from 07h00 to 19h00 daily. Also run under the auspices of the Stellenbosch Child Welfare organisation.
After Care Centre
The recently-opened Imbali After Care Centre aims to improve the quality of the lives of school children living in the Kylemore area by providing them with a safe, stimulating and nurturing after-school environment...
Magic Muffin Bakery
Imbali installed and equipped a hi-nutrition muffin bakery in four rooms previously used for storage in the Kylemore High School. The bakery creates two adult jobs, and produces approximately 3000 muffins daily...
Organic Food Garden
The organic vegetable garden provides the setting for diverse activities to engage students’ interest in environmentally conscious growing practices, healthy nutrition, and physical outdoor activity with a tangible purpose.
School Library
The only library in the communities of the Dwars River Valley where Kylemore is situated. The objective of the library is to produce competent and confident learners who are equipped for the demands of high school.
Carpentry Classroom
The establishment of a fully equipped carpentry classroom aims to equip learners and young student school leavers in the Dwarsriver Valley with skills and employment potential.
Fredagh & Bernard Podlashuk Art and Educare Centre
This facility accommodates 50 pre-school children in safe after-school care. As part of a Visual Literacy Project, 100 primary school children, and 60 high school children attend an art workshop on one Saturday per month, on a fully sponsored basis.
Institute of Culinary Arts (ICA)
Every year Imbali partners with Lebenslinien e.V. to allow as many as 10 specially selected young people to complete the internationally recognised City & Guilds Service Course at the Institute of Culinary Arts (ICA) in Kylemore.
Craft and Art Centre
Imbali established this centre in 2001 to provide skills training for jobless youths and adults. A beading and craft skills-training room was installed in 2008 for school children in an attempt to keep them off the streets...